Miami-Dade Democratic Party - Leadership

Executive Board

Acting Chair: Laura Wagner[email protected]

State Committeewoman: Nancy Lawther - [email protected]

State Committeeman: Marc Burton - [email protected]

Treasurer: Gregory Frankel - [email protected]

Vice Chair of Outreach: Justin Routt[email protected]

Vice Chair of Programs: Laura Wagner - [email protected]

Committee Chairs and Steering Level Leadership

General Counsel - TBD

Parliamentarian - TBD

Sergeant-at-Arms - TBD

Credentials Committee Chair - Nikola Patterson Molina

<[email protected]>

Communications Committee Chair - TBD

Voter Registration Committee Chairs - TBD

Issues Committee Chair - TBD

Finance Committee Co-Chairs - 

Membership Committee Chair -

Legislative Liaison - Nancy Lawther

Interclub Council Chair - Bentonne Snay <>

Labor Committee Co-Chairs - TBD

Rules and Bylaws Committee Chair - TBD

Voter Protection Committee Chair - Wayne Brody <[email protected]>

Campaign Committee Chair -  <[email protected]>

Data Committee Chair - TBD <[email protected]>